

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Dicovering The New


Adventures of the Heart
Deceit of Dreams
Ignorance to believe in Both
Reality will cure all Symptoms
Accepting or Understanding
The high of Nothing
A drug of Experience
Truth steals peace from unsettled Souls
A process that can never be Shared
Understanding with dismissive Gestures
Strangers to giving, never Relate
Poor is never accurate of Soul
Wealth of things, but broke of Heart
Money gives opportunity to few
Some have for life and never Appreciate
Buying integrity or worth is not on the Market
Communities not for Sale
Stock to hold of one's Heart
Gifts of giving, and never Stealing
Ages separate times of hurt, but share Pain
Always new to stings of the Past
Prick and probe a soul to Infect
Why do the paper cuts hurt the Worse
A sliver that festers, a memory Lingers
The worth of people, always supersede, Things